How to Conduct User Interviews IxDF


We recommend clearing your workspace as much as possible to help you focus on the interviewee. • Be kind and patient, especially with folks who may be stressed during this time and/or unfamiliar with the tools you’re using to conduct your interviews. User interviews can be as long or as short as you need them to be, but we typically find that minutes is the right amount of time for each session. That gives you enough time to spend a few minutes at the beginning warming up and getting comfortable, and to wrap up. It’s also short enough that interviews don’t feel like an unmanageable time commitment from you or the participant. For discovery interviews, where the scope of your inquiry might be quite broad, consider a list of topics in lieu of a questionnaire.

  • ”, and “how would you expect a feature/product like that to work?
  • If so your experience will be like to that outlined for advertised projects, above.
  • Learning these things helps teams identify solutions to make users’ lives easier.
  • Write an SQL query to fetch all the Employee details from the EmployeeDetails table who joined in the Year 2020.

This question would come later in the interview, when we present candidates with an unfamiliar scenario and ask them to use what they know about familiar concepts to explain something. As with many of our questions, we don’t want candidates necessarily to tell us the ‘right’ answer straight away. We want to see that they are motivated, and keen to engage with the topic.